I love family. I love learning. I love food. This is simply a collection of thoughts, memories, and recipes that are a piece of me!

Sunday, July 28, 2013


It's so hard to believe for me, but tomorrow, Bird and I will have been married for seven years.

When I look back on these last seven years, I'm amazed at how far we've come.

We had 3 kids.
We bought a house.
We lost my grandpa.
We started homeschooling.
We became members and started growing in a new church.
We went through a few jobs.
We moved twice.
We renovated parts of our home.
We went through three vehicles.
He went to South Korea, Canada, and all over the US DJing.
I nearly finished my degree.
I started a blog.
We got a dog.
I learned to cook.
We learned to build things.
We bought some land.
We celebrated a ton of birthdays and holidays.
We read a thousand books to our babies.
We made a thousand bottles.
We changed a thousand diapers.
We laughed so much.
We cried so much.
We grew.
We changed.
We fell so much deeper in love.

I'm so grateful for my sweet husband.  He has taught me so much, but my marriage to him has taught me even more about the character and love of God.

Best seven years ever.

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